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12.09. - 16.09.2016: Die ultimative Porsche Tour – 15 Pässe in vier Tagen

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CURVES Magazin – Soulful driving with 9 Porsche models in the Swiss and Italian Alps.

Der stimmungsvolle Film über die Vorlage unserer Alpenpässetour, präsentiert vom CURVES-Magazin (, dem Magazin für schöne Touren.

"Twenty mountain passes with 9 different Porsche models in four days. These are 3 ingredients for a perfect roadtrip, which was recently undertaken by the CURVES Magazine team and like-minded Porsche"

Veröffentlicht auf YouTube am 25.07.2016
"It is all about passion, friendship and driving the Legend!"  - 911.Legends NeverDie
Music: Welshly Arms - Legendary
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